Friday, March 11, 2011

O Pioneers! 1992

What a beautiful title. So many different interpretations of its meaning. Once you see the movie, you will understand what I mean.

Jessica Lang stars in this fantastic movie about a group of settlers from Norway who come to America to homestead in rural Nebraska.

This movie was magically stirring as it told the story of our country's beginnings. People who left "the old country" to find adventure and new life in America; who left family and friends at a great risk to live a dream. It was so evocative.

The story begins with Alexandra, the oldest daughter of Norwegian immigrants, who is soon left to care for her 3 younger brothers and a homestead that is slowly dying with every gust of high country wind. With her parents death she is left with a choice, stay here or leave like so many others.

Without giving too much away, she decides to stay because she can feel something "stirring in the ground". Watch "O Pioneers!" to see the story and the romance unfold. You will not regret it.